Gips-Schüle Special Award for Prof. Dr. Dwenger and Prof. Dr. Lehmann-Hasemeyer    [16.05.22]

Keeping the back free for research projects: that's what the "Freiräume für die Forschung" award of the Gips-Schüle Foundation is for. In 2021, the projects submitted impressed the jury so much that the annual Gips-Schüle Award was expanded to include a special prize of 120,000 euros, the "Gips-Schüle Special Award Economics 2021". The award winners are Prof. Dr. Nadja Dwenger (Chair of Public Economics) and Prof. Sibylle Lehmann-Hasemeyer, Ph.D. (Chair of Economic and Social History). On May 13, 2022, the prize was presented by Dr. Stefan Hofmann, Chairman of the Foundation.

Photo: University of Hohenheim/Astrid Untermann


Prof. Dr. Dwenger and Prof. Lehmann-Hasemeyer, Ph.D. would like to use the prize money to initiate a new research group. It will focus on the influence of diversity on business and society. "This influence goes far beyond what has been studied so far," Prof. Dwenger says.

 "We are interested, for example, in what other effects stipulations such as the women´s quota of on supervisory boards or a fixed percentage of employees with a migration background in public administrations have," explains co-winner Prof. Lehmann-Hasemeyer, explaining the research approach.

The research group is a further development of the research network "Inequality and Economic Policy Analysis INEPA" and is expected to lead to a DFG project in the medium term.



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