Research and the Real Thing  [15.06.23]

An interactive lecture on transfer pricing with top-level representatives from PwC and Prof. Dr. Nadja Dwenger, Head of Chair Public Economics. June 29, 14:00 st., HS 35 (Kavaliershaus).

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Our guests from PwC give fascinating insights into transfer pricing practice. After a general introduction into the topic, they explain how they use firm-level data in price comparison analyses (so-called benchmark studies). These benchmark studies are an example of the empirical tools developed and applied in the context of transfer pricing consultancy. To gain your own experiences, the PwC representatives will conduct a short case study, which we jointly discuss at the end of the lecture. Finally, the representatives of PwC will be available for your questions and for exchanging ideas.

The event is part of the Master’s course “Empirical Public Economics” but open for other interested Master and PhD students. Registration is not required.

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