Staat und Markt, Lecture and Exercise
The course "Staat und Markt" examines the role of the state in the economy. First, the importance of state intervention in the economy in terms of size is discussed. Subsequently, we analyse the various reasons for state intervention (e.g. the existence of public goods, external effects, natural monopolies, incomplete information, etc.). In addition to these allocation policy interventions, distribution policy goals and instruments are also analysed. Distortions caused by state interventions (such as tariffs and taxes) will be examined more closely. Finally, the course deals with concepts of behavioural economics that are relevant for state interventions.
Finanzwissenschaftliche Steuerlehre, Lecture and Exercise
The course gives an introduction into the field of taxation from a public economics perspective and then deals with different concepts of taxation, including income taxation, consumption taxation and corporate taxation. The possible use of taxes as an incentive device is discussed in the last part of the course.
Repetitorium for Exam "Staat und Markt" (FPZ)
In the winter semester, the course "State and Market" deals with how the state influences economic decisions. The revision course for the course "Sta in a condensed form. After the introduction to the respective chapter,
the revision course offers the opportunity to practice the essential
aspects using concrete application and calculation tasks and to clarify
open questions.te and Market" supports the preparation for the exam of the following examination period.
To this end, the course presents the theoretical and empirical aspects of the course.
Experimenting Economics: Seminar in Public Economics
The aim of the course is to gain your own initial experience in generating and analysing data. In small groups, you will conduct one experiment each and use it to analyse relevant economic questions. The experiments can be field, laboratory, lecture hall or survey experiments. In the group, you will brainstorm ideas that you can test in experiments. Subsequently, you will develop and implement your own experimental design with our support. To analyse the data, you will select and apply suitable empirical methods. After evaluating the collected data, you will produce an individual seminar paper.
Here you can find general information regarding writing a thesis at our chair. we encourage you to do an empirical study., if you already have prior knowledge in using statistical software (e.g., Stata), Supervision of a literature-based bachelor's thesis is also possible.
If you are writing your thesis at our chair, please read the following documents. Afterwards, please write us an e-mail:
General Information Bachelor thesis (German)