Study programme for doctoral students
Research Seminar in Economics
In the research seminar, researchers from other universities present their current research. It is organized as a Lecture Series "Research Seminar in Economics" and integral part of the Research Training Group Economics. Interested students are cordially invited to attend, too.
The seminar takes place in presence, HS 35 (Kavaliershaus), 12:00pm.
Current Schedule
Brown-Bag Seminar
In the brown bag seminar, doctoral students from the University of Hohenheim present their ongoing work and get feedback from other junior researchers and faculty members.
The brown bag seminar will take place as a block seminar on June 12 and 13 outside of campus (with one overnight stay). Immediately after the presentation, each presenter who wishes so will receive individual feedback on the presentation slides by the course coordinators. Further information is avaible here.
Term: Summer
Here you can find detailed information about our doctoral study program in Economics.