Research Dwenger Economics

Centre for Economic Policy Research

The Centre for Economic Policy Research in London is a non-governmental, independent research institute dedicated to policy advice and economic research. The CEPR network encompasses the activities of over 550 international Research Fellows, Affiliates and Associates.

Dwenger Research Economics

CESifo Research Network

CESifo is a global, independent research network of international economists with a broad range of expertise. They bring years of experience and a high level of expertise to the research areas. The aim is to promote the international scientific exchange of knowledge on economics and economic policy.

Dwenger Research Economics

DFG - Research Network "Behavioral Taxation“

The common goal of the project is to establish a new research perspective under a unified umbrella in a scientific network. This network pursues the following main objectives: 1) systematization of existing research fields in order to develop a comprehensive framework concept for the topic area "Behavioural Taxation", 2) identification of new research questions with implications for innovative publications and application possibilities in the field and 3) promotion and intensification of interdisciplinary cooperations with representatives from science, practice and politics in order to develop suggestions for the design of tax systems from a behavioral economics perspective.

Research Network Dwenger Hohenheim

Arbeitskreis Steuergeschichte (Working Group Tax History)

The Working Group Tax History has set itself the goal of researching taxation in the German-speaking area from a historical perspective. In a series of projects, the members of the working group investigate the conditions of origin and effects of tax law norms, their relationship to the (self-)understanding of the respective community, the history of their compliance and transformation processes across borders.

Research Network Dwenger Hohenheim

Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI)

CMI is an independent development research institute in Norway. With a staff of 90 people, we address issues that shape global developments and generate knowledge that can be used to fight poverty, advance human rights, and promote sustainable social development.

Society for Social Policy (German Economic Association)

The Verein für Socialpolitik (German Economic Association) is an association of about 4.000 German-speaking economists from over 20 countries, primarily Germany, Austria and Switzerland. As one of the largest and oldest associations of economists in the world, our organization aims to further the development and internationalization of economics and related fields.

Reseach Network Dwenger Hohenheim

NHH Norwegian School of Economics

The Norwegian School of Economics (Norwegian: Norges Handelshøyskole NHH), based in Bergen, has been a leading teaching and research institution in economics and business administration since its foundation in 1936.

The "FAIR - Centre for Experimental Research on Fairness, Inequality and Rationality" of the NHH aims to conduct research on how to address inequality in society.

Network for Better Regulation and Bureaucracy Reduction

The Network for Better Regulation and Bureaucracy Reduction, with a focus on Baden-Wuerttemberg, provides impetus for improving legislation and administrative action. It aims to strengthen the exchange between science and politics and cooperates in particular with the Normenkontrollrat Baden-Wuerttemberg.

Next Generation Economics

NGE ist ein Netzwerk von jungen Wirtschaftswissenschaftlern in unterschiedlichen Stadien ihrer Karriere, die durch einen kontinuierlichen Austausch von Forschungsideen, Erfahrungen und konstruktivem Feedback die wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Forschung mitgestalten und voneinander lernen wollen. In bilateralen Sprechstunden mit internationalen Gästen haben interessierte Doktoranden und Postdocs die Möglichkeit, Fragen zu stellen, andere Forscher kennenzulernen und ihr Netzwerk zu erweitern.

Research Dwenger Hohenheim


INEPA is a research network involving various departments at the University of Hohenheim, the University of Tübingen, the Institute for Applied Economic Research (IAW) and the Nürtingen-Geislingen University of Applied Sciences. The participating departments are committed to pooling their research expertise and providing educational opportunities for those interested in the topic of inequality. Further information.